Empathy levels in resident physicians: a study of the Hospital de Clinicas of the National University of Asunción

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Julio Torales
Iván Barrios
José Miguel Palacios
Jorge Villalba-Arias



In general, there is a decrease in empathy during medical training, which generates doctors with low empathy. That is why empathy must be studied from the undergraduate school and, above all, in those health professionals who spend several hours doing medical activities such as resident physicians.


This was an observational, analytical of prevalence study, with non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases. Resident physicians of Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Surgical Clinic, Psychiatry and Pediatrics were included. The sample size was established in 98 participants. To measure empathy, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index was used.


The results reported that 55% were women and 33.7% of Internal Medicine. The averages in the subscales, perspective taking, fantasy, empathic concern and distress were: 33.33; 2.84; 3.71 and 2.57; respectively. Significant differences were observed in the empathy scores observed among different medical specialties.


This could reflect the notion that different individuals with different degrees of interpersonal skills, reflected in their empathy scores, are attracted to different medical specialties.


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How to Cite
Torales, J., Barrios, I., Palacios, J. M., & Villalba-Arias, J. (2024). Empathy levels in resident physicians: a study of the Hospital de Clinicas of the National University of Asunción. Revista De Salud Publica Del Paraguay, 10(1), 37–43. Retrieved from https://revistas.ins.gov.py/index.php/rspp/article/view/372
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