Level of knowledge about foot education and self-care in patients with Diabetes Mellitus who receive multidisciplinary care
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Introduction: Education and self-care are pillars in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and prevention of complications such as diabetes-related foot disease (DPERD).
Objetive: Determine the level of knowledge of DM and foot self-care in patients with type 2 DM.
Materials and methods. Descriptive, prospective, crosssectional observational study; performed in adult patients with type 2 DM, who attended an endocrinological and podiatric consultation at the Central Hospital of the Institute of Social Security, in a period of 9 months, from September 2022 to June 2023. After at least 2 consultations in each specialty, a filling out the DKQ24 and APD-UMA questionnaires to evaluate knowledge about DM and foot self-care respectively.
Results: 103 patients were included, 57% women, 63±11 years of Diabetes, 14±8.45; 29% primary education, body mass index 30.56 ± 5.31, high blood pressure 83.5%, 11.6% smokers, retinopathy 35.9%, loss of protective sensitivity (PSP) in feet 53.4%, peripheral arterial disease 20.4%, deformities 49.5% and previous injuries 27.2% in the feet; minor amputation 2.9%, major amputation 1%. HBA1c mean 8% (±1.3), creatinine clearance 78.2 mg/dL/m2 (±21.42). Knowledge levels: good 68 (66%), regular 34 (33%) and poor 1 (1%). Foot self-care: average of responses between very adequate and adequate: 87.4 (84.8%), regular: 9.4 (9.2%); between inadequate and very inadequate 7 (6.8%).
Conclusion: Patients with DM2 who attend multidisciplinary consultation have an elevated level of knowledge about their foot pathology and self-care, which would help prevent complications, considering that they are a risk group for EPRD.
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